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  • General Object Grasping | 通用物体抓取

  • GraspNet

    GraspNet contribute a large-scale grasp pose detection dataset with a unified evaluation system. It contains 97,280 RGB-D image with over one billion grasp poses


    AnyGrasp is a robot grasping system that is prompt, accurate, flexible, and continuous across spatial and temporal domain using a parallel gripper.

  • Human Activity Understanding | 人类行为理解

  • HAKE

    HAKE is a large-scale Human Activity Knowledge Engine (HAKE) based on the human body part states. It has more than 7M+ part state annotations and is still under construction.


    Pangea is a structured action semantic space given verb taxonomy hierarchy and covering massive actions, bridging "isolated islands" into a "Pangea".

  • Physical-based Robot Simulation | 机器人仿真平台

  • RFUniverse

    RFUnivers is simulation environment that integrates three multiphysics coupling effects, namely air-solid interaction, fluid-solid interaction, and heat transfer.

    MultiModal Sensors

    MultiModal Sensors system that consist of tactile and IMU for tracking hand's motion and contact dynamics during manipulation tasks.